Refrigerator / Freezer Breakdowns
Refrigerator and freezer breakdowns have the potential of costing you hundreds of dollars in spoiled / lost food. With newer units being designed for increased energy efficiency, the down side...
May 15, 2015
Dealing with Indoor Humidity Issues
High humidity levels in the home is not only uncomfortable, but humid indoor air can damage your home and furnishings. It also promotes the growth of mold and dust mites. ...
May 14, 2015
Pressure Canner Dial Testing
Attention canners!! Mark this date on your calendar……May 28th. On that date, in conjunction with Penn State Extension, we will be offering free testing of pressure canner dial gauges. There...
May 11, 2015
Toro Days!!
Toro days are here!! Save up to $300 on in stock Toro mowers. This includes walk behind, Tractor, and Zero Turn models. Stop in for a test drive today!!
May 09, 2015
Greenhouse Update – Hanging Baskets
Greenhouse update….we have tons of choices in stock for your Mother’s Day gift selection. These include a variety of hanging baskets and other flower choices. We also have an assortment...
May 08, 2015
Glass and Screen Repair
Keep in mind that we do glass and screen repairs in our store. We offer both screen and glass replacement for most household windows. We also stock plexiglass sheets and...
May 05, 2015
Refrigerator Maintenance
Refrigerators work non-stop to keep our items cool. Here are a few tips that can help you to keep it running efficiently and reliably. Vacuum the fan and condenser coils...
May 01, 2015
Tillers for Spring Planting
We carry a variety of tillers to help you prepare your garden for the planting season. Tilling in the spring also provides the additional benefit of eliminating any leftover plant...
April 29, 2015
Sharpening Services Info
Did you know…..we offer sharpening services on many items such as mower blades, chain saw blades, hedge trimmers, hand saws, carbide blades, and just about every garden tool that requires...
April 28, 2015
Community Blood Drive
Mark this on your calendar…….our next community blood drive will be in two weeks, Saturday May 9th. The Central PA Blood Bank vehicle will be here from 10:00 am –...
April 25, 2015